Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The "New" Jay Leno

I watched the rebooted Jay Leno show last night. It actually was okay, only I'm not sure what exactly was new about it. It seemed to be pretty much the "Tonight Show with Jay Leno." He had guests, some pre-recorded bits, pretty much what he did before. Came out shook hands with the crowd as always, joked with Kevin Eubanks, had some pre-recorded bits. Nothing all that new. Maybe a little bit less formal than the Tonight Show, but basically the same.

However, with Conan's ratings not doing so hot, maybe the same old show is what people want. I've never "got" Conan. His style of standing up there and making jokes of how unfunny he is was much better mastered by Letterman and (especially) Johnny Carson. Conan just doesn't do it for me and after his premiere, I've yet to watch it again.

Leno seemed to be enjoying himself and I think his show will probably do just fine (although the interview with Seinfeld was kinda boring). As for Kanye West, I thought he was basically a jerk for what he did in stealing Taylor Swift's moment so his teary confession last night didn't move me a bit. In fact, some of my student workers were talking about him yesterday, and were saying how it's getting harder to listen to his music because of all his antics.

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