Friday, April 01, 2005

Good Health Really is a Blessing.

It has been a wild ride the last week. On Good Friday, my wife and daughter were headed shopping when I suddenly started coughing really, really bad (I had been battling a bad cough for a week or so). Next thing I knew, I opened my eyes and we were off the side of the road and my wife was frantically asking me if I was okay. I was, like, "Huh?" I evidently passed out briefly and had no recollection of it. We headed to the ER, but nothing was found to be wrong. Got some medication and was sent home. Fast forward to the following Wednesday. I wake up with an excruciating pain in my upper right side. However, trying to be Mr. Masculine, I still get ready for work. While I'm in the kitchen, I start coughing bad again and the pain shoots up my side and is off the charts. I've never felt such pain. I can just barely regain my breath. My wife comes running in and asks if she should call an ambulance. I almost agree (note: I have a very high tolerance for pain, so when I actually say it hurts, by golly, it hurts). So, we head back to the ER. This time, an X-ray shows pneumonia. The doctor indicated that an irritation of the lung was causing the extreme pain. To me it felt like something was going to explode.

Anyway, this time I get some strong painkillers and antibiotics and have now been home laying around for three days. Nothing to do but sit around, watch t.v., and wait for Terri Schiavo to die. She died on Wednesday, now it's waiting around for the Pope to die. The news programs are already running the tribute tapes. Hey, he's not dead yet!

In my 40 years, I've never visited the doctor for anything more serious than an ingrown toenail. I've had remarkable health. I don't necessarily eat right and I'm not exactly an exercise guru. I really have been blessed. As my 6-year old daughter asked if her daddy was okay, I'm glad I was able to tell her I was, and inside I thanked God for the years I've already had with my wife and kids and hoped for many, many more.

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