Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Should she live or should she die?

That's the question being asked about Terri Schiavo. Her husband wants her dead, her parents want her alive. Doctors say she is in a permanent vegetative state and will never recover. Husband says she would not want to remain that way. Parents say where there is life, there is hope. There does indeed seem to be something cruel to allow someone to go on "living" in such a state. There also seems to be something cruel to sitting back and watching someone starve to death. Had there been a living will, this wouldn't be an issue. But the fact that you have the parents fighting the husband, it's been quite a headliner of a story. This is a tough one. I see both sides. It has certainly turned political. Republican leaders are coming down on the side of the parents. Democrat leaders are actually keeping kind of quiet. This isn't one of those issues you come out and say, "Let her die!!". I'm just thankful such a decision on whether Terri lives or dies does not rest with me. I'm not sure anyone can truly say what they'd do in this situation, because until it actually happens, how can you really know?

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Are you ready for some basketball?

One of my favorite times of the year! The NCAA basketball tournament. I especially like watching the early rounds when you either have some big upsets or near upsets. This year, it'll be Wildcat vs. Wildcat. Arizona will beat Kentucky in a rematch of the 1997 championship game. Oh, and how fun that was to wear my Wildcats shirt when I went to Kentucky for family reunions. "Hey, someone told me this was Wildcat country," was my sarcastic reply as I quickly ducked to avoid any sharp objects. Look for #1 seeds Illinois and, especially, Washington, to fall early.

Monday, March 14, 2005

That's DOCTOR Jackson.

One of my coworkers, Jeff, recently got accepted into a doctoral program. We had an impromptu gathering in my boss' office commemorating the news. I was on the search and screen committee when Jeff was hired. He said he aspired to be a Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. He will be.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

End of an Era: Rather Signs Off.

After nearly 25 years as anchor of the CBS evening news, Dan Rather gave his last broadcast. It was certainly a historic occasion, as Dan had been center stage at some significant events in recent history. So for one last time, people all over the country tuned in to hear the news delivered one final time by such a mainstay in the world of journalism

Didn't see it though, I was watching a "Seinfeld" rerun.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Michael, Martha, Robert and Me.

I just can't get myself to stay glued to the coverage of the Michael Jackson trial. On the "E" network, they are doing reenactments every night. If being weird is a crime, then Michael Jackson is definitely guilty. Is he guilty of the molestation charges? I really don't know. But I go back to that interview a few years ago when he talks about what a "beautiful thing" it is to share one's bed with a child. Okay, so that doesn't make him a molester. But it does give him a corner on the weird market. He is so far removed from his "Thriller" days. It's hard to even look at him, he is just plain creepy.

So, Martha Stewart is now out. Think anyone even remembers why she went to jail? I bet you that Martha does just fine. She was very smart to go ahead and serve her sentence right away instead of going through any appeals. Now she's out, the public tends to be forgiving, and she may end up being more popular than ever.

As for Robert Blake, can't say I'm following that case too close. Can you name the last movie Robert Blake appeared in? Neither can I. Kind of a has-been. I do have my very own Robert Blake celebrity encounter to share. Back in 1976, I visited Universal Studios in California. As we were riding on the "trams" and touring the backlot, we had to temporarily stop because they were filming an episode of "Baretta." Remember that show? Over in the distance I saw Robert Blake in his car. Also that day, we went to an animal show at the studio and saw the cockatoo from the show. Hey, remember the bird's name? Yes, his name was Fred. Who wants to touch me? I saw FRED THE FREAKIN' COCKATOO! Top that one!

Monday, March 07, 2005

Bush Comes to Town.

President Bush came to town on Friday to promote his Social Security agenda. From what I've gathered after extensive research is that some people are for his plan and others are against it (sarcastic tone intended). Obviously, Democrats are adamantly opposed to it. Is it because they truly think his plan is wrong, or they don't want a Republican to get credit for overhauling something that has truly been a Democratic staple all these years? I do remember Bill Clinton first proposing the whole "private account" issue back during his time, so it's not like this is a brand new concept. This issue has a long way to go. It hasn't even reached the debate stage on the House or Senate floor. Calm down people! Bush isn't going to do away with your retirement. It seems something needs to be done to ensure social security's long-term health, but who knows exactly what.

Bush was pretty much in and out. No chance to get close to the airport to see Air Force One or to see his motorcade. So, I didn't leave work to do so (although I would have, had the opportunity arisen to catch a glimpse of one or the other). Bush comes to South Bend quite often. He campaigned here in 2000, spoke at Notre Dame his first year in office, and made two visits in support of Congressman Chris Chocola in 2002 and 2004. So, we see him around here a lot, even though Indiana is fairly solid Republican anyway.