Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Christmas/Holiday Controversy

Okay, so everyone's freaking out over the fact that "Happy Holidays" is replacing "Merry Christmas" as the greeting of choice at stores and restaurants. Look, if you are a Christian and it takes someone saying Merry Christmas for you to be reminded as to the reason we celebrate it in the first place, then you are in a sad state. If I walk into Wal-Mart and they say, "Hello, Sir," does that mean I've lost my identity because they didn't say, "Hello, Rick?" Hey, they could say, "Hello, Kitty" for all I care. I know what Christmas is about, it doesn't matter what anyone else says.

As for churches being closed. I guess I have to go back to the old "Remember the Sabbath Day to Keep it Holy" thing. I know some churches will fall back on the fact that the needs of their "emerging" congregations dictate that Sunday is not the best time for services on Christmas Day. But, I don't know, I think it's an unfortunate precedent. I know, I know, Jesus was not born on December 25. But, hey, that's the day that's been set aside for many, many years. I know, I know, it's a tradition thing and traditions are meant to be broken. But why the urge to close the church doors on any Sunday, especially on Christmas? It seems that would be and even better reason to have church. But hey, probably nothing to get in too much of an uproar about and I guess if the Vatican or Willow Creek says it's okay, then we can shut the doors.

But hey, now that you mention it, the Super Bowl falls on a Sunday, and that may not be the best time for people to attend services either . . .

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