Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter Service

Yesterday, for the first time in many years, we attended Easter service. Well, okay, it's not like we've not gone anywhere on Easter Sunday all these years, but this year we were in a different church. A small Wesleyan church with about 90 attendees. For the past several years, we've really struggled to find a church with the right fit. As a result, we've ended up in much larger churches than we really wanted to be in. This has then caused us to basically be lost in a sea of hundreds, even though we always get involved in many different ways.

But I emphasize the word "service," because in the past, we were always attending an Easter "performance." You know how it goes, a choir number with some bombastic timpani drum opening followed by a big brass overture, with some deep-voiced narrator intoning "He is Risen." Then the choir launches into their operatic vocals. I guess it's always assumed that as the stone rolled away, the Hallelujah chorus was playing in the background. I imagine Peter and John were quite impressed when they got to the tomb and heard such a stirring symphony.

Nothing all that special at this service. Just a simple celebration of that fact that Jesus rose from the dead on this day after dying for our sins. I think that says it all.

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