Saturday, April 08, 2006

Life Happens

Sometimes life will take unexpected turns, with the emphasis on the unexpected. Dorene's sister Diane, affectionately referred to as Aunt Dee Dee by our kids, went in for a much delayed mammogram a couple weeks ago. Much delayed in that there was a transition with her insurance or something along those lines that made it kind of a nuisance to get a new doctor. So, she finally went in, and received some startling news. There was evidence of the early stages of breast cancer, which was serious enough to warrant immediate surgery the following week. Dorene and her mom went to Chicago to be with her during what was suddenly a very traumatic time. The surgery went fine, but there was still an issue of whether any cancerous cells had invaded the lymph nodes. Last Thursday, Dorene and both of her parents went to Chicago to be with her during a second surgery. The results were such that there was no invasion of the lymph nodes, which was a huge relief.

It's not all over yet, there may still be radiation and/or chemotherapy involved. But, the early detection has taken place and treatment is underway. Many prayers have already been answered and we're looking for a few more.

It's been a rough couple weeks for Diane, and it's virtually impossible to imagine how she could have made it through without the comfort of her knowledge that God is watching over her. Plus, she had immediate family to be with her and a (fairly new) church family that has been a blessing and have really reached out to her.

Kind of puts the brakes on other so-called worries and troubles we may think we have.

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