Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Soul Patrol v. McPheever

If you don't understand the title of this post, then you are completely out of touch with reality (t.v.). The Soul Patrol is Taylor Hicks and McPheever is Kathryn McPhee, the two finalists on American Idol. Last night, each contestant sang three songs. Based on last night, Taylor will win. He came out strong while Kathryn came out very weak. She picked it up with her second song but then finished with a whimper. Even the usually very complimentary Randy and Paula were fairly subdued, and the crowd reaction was tepid at best. Taylor was so-so on his second song, but then kicked it in for his final song. Both performers had robed gospel singers on stage for their last song. This fits Taylor's style much, much more than Kathryn's.

Simon predicted that Taylor will win, and he is right. Dorene and I liked Taylor from his very first audition. If I had to pick someone that I would like to hear in concert from this year's groups of contestants, it would definitely be Taylor (with a warm-up act by Mandisa).

This year was better than last year, but I'm partial to season 3, when you had the showdown between Fantasia Barrano and Diana DeGarmo. Plus some strong runners up such as Jennifer Hudson, who ironically beat out Fantasia for a plum starring role in the upcoming movie version of "Dreamgirls". You also had Jon Peter Lewis, who was an odd mix of Taylor and Kevin from this season.

American Idol is a fun show to watch. Nothing profound, it's not going to change the world. I'm not a better person for watching it. It's just mindless entertainment, and sometimes what more do you want?

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