Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A Sigh of Relief

In the midst of Diane's chemotherapy, Dorene has been struggling with chest pains, shortness of breath, and some rather severe insomnia. Whether this has been brought on by the high level of stress she's been experiencing we were unsure. She went through a number of tests but they all brought up nothing. Then, after a trip to the ER, a test was ordered to check her throat and stomach.

What this resulted in was that a bunch of polyps were discovered in her stomach. Were they benign or not? We didn't know. Coming on the heels of Diane's cancer, optimism was not exactly flowing freely.

After an excruciating time of waiting for the results, Dorene finally found out that everything came up negative, and that the polyps were in no danger of becoming cancerous. A huge sigh of relief.

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