Friday, September 08, 2006

Fatherly Advice from Brad Pitt

Okay, I know. Brad and Angelina Jolie are not married, and Brad just said that they wouldn't get married until "everyone that wants to" can. In other words, when gay marriage is legalized. So what advice could be culled from this guy?

Well, I read part of an interview and one thing he said struck me as very true. He said how much he enjoys just being laid back and just letting the kids "be kids." He also said that you need to give kids a heads up before you jerk them out of something. You should always say "You have three more minutes." That part is very true.

When we are at a park, or a playground, or anything like that, our kids (like any kids) do not like it when it's time to leave. However, whenever we say "you got three more minutes," we leave without incident. No tears, no whining. Much more simple. Actually, we say "five minutes" but that's okay. What's wrong with doing that parents? Relax a litle, let your kids have a good time and then end it all on a good note. I always dislike it when I see parents march up to their kids that are having a blast at something and yank them away with no warning. I'm telling you, the five-minute warning works. In fact, if you say five minutes and take them away in two, it doesn't matter, there still is no fuss.

Good job, Mr. Pitt.

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