Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Fox turns 10

This week is the 10th anniversary of Fox News, an event which for many is probably a sign of the end times. One thing for sure, Fox has definitely made its mark, whether it's a positive one or not, really depends on who you talk to.

The biggest complaint about Fox is that they are not "fair and balanced" like they promote but instead lean very much to the right and are a mouthpiece for anything Republican. Well, la de frickin' da! No kidding! Y'all just now figuring that out?

What is wrong with that exactly? Sorry, but I can't make excuses for people not smart enough to figure things out on their own. If they take everything they hear from the television media as the end all truth, then that's their problem.

Click over to CNN. Larry King is very much liberal (although this came through much more on his radio show). Click over to MSNBC. Keith Olberman pretty much has a daily rant against Bush and Bill O'Reilly. Of course, what does O'Reilly care since his show kick's Olberman's butt on a daily basis. Click over to HBO and Bill Maher. Enough said . . .and that is all just fine.

Go back in time. Remember when Dan Rather went after Bush I about Iran-Contra? Was that a "liberal" hit job? No, it was a very legitimate question, even though Rather has never exactly hidden his liberal leanings. Was it biased when Edward R. Murrow used his show to go after Sen. McCarthy? Absolutely.

Yeah, so Fox is going to present a more partisan view. So what. You always have the option of switching channels. Will Fox ever change? No way. Their ratings double that of CNN and triple that of MSNBC. That really is the bottom line. If people stop watching, they'll have to change their format. If people don't want to hear Rush Limbaugh anymore, he'll go off the air. There is liberal talk radio
out there, called "Air America" and it has some pretty good stuff on it. Problem is, you typically can only find it on some alternative Mongolian bluegrass station out of Butte, Montana.

Just don't watch it people! Ah, this is where it gets a little humorous. Some of my Democrat co-workers were talking about how much they hate Fox. They especially hate Bill O'Reilly. One said, "Yeah, just the other night, he was talking about . . ." Stop right there! So, what you are saying is that you hate the guy, but you still watch? That was indeed the case. Fox's ratings are huge, and I'm sure that a great deal of that comes from those that "hate" them. So, for all of you out there that wish Fox would go away because you don't like watching them, you are the ones that are keeping them going. You just can't stay away.

Personally, I don't watch Fox all that much. I mainly just don't like the personalities very well. O'Reilly just isn't that interesting to me. Hannity and Colmes used to be good, but it seems like every time you turn them on they have Ann Coulter or Dick Morris as guests. I channel surf the news, checking out just about every station. But for those that like to just watch Fox 24/7, more power to them, it's their choice.

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