Monday, November 20, 2006

Go Big, Go Long, Go Home!

Thus, in a nutshell, according to a recent Pentagon report, are our three options for dealing with the situation in Iraq. We go big by sending in a lot more troops to end the insurgency once and for all. We go long by reducing the number of troops but committing to be there a while. Or, we just go home.

I think that by going big, we just send more troops in to fight a battle that military might has no chance to win. This battle of trying to secure neighborhoods and going house to house just isn't ever going to work. If we go long, then we're just leaving more of our troops exposed to the insurgency.

I say, let's go home! Bring 'em all back. Yeah, yeah, I know the whole "that region will be flung into chaos" theory and that we'll be more unsafe than ever before. But I really don't think that will happen. Yes, there will be civil war, and the long-suppressed Shiites will be very cruel to the Sunnis. Maybe it'll all divide up like Yugoslavia did. It'll get pretty ugly at first. But our presence there, whether big or small, is always going to be a detriment.

We've failed there, plain and simple. It's not going to get better, it just isn't. Maybe 'W' will decide to be a hero and bring everyone home. Maybe the Democrats will stop being scared of being called unpatriotic and vote to end the war. I don't care about who gets credit for it, let's just bring the troops home.

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