Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A Great Kid's Film (but don't take the kids)

I saw "Pan's Labryinth" recently. It's been nominated for an Oscar for Best Foreign Language film and some technical awards. If you've seen the advertisements or poster art, it may seem like a children's fantasy along the lines of Harry Potter or even Lord of the Rings.

It does indeed appear that way for the first few minutes. But trust me, it is NOT a kids movie. I am sure there are parents that have taken their kids to see it and have had to deal with their nightmares. If you have yet to see the film, then you will clearly know you're not watching Nickelodeon when the interrogation scene with the rabbit hunters takes place early in the film.

A very original film. Combines two storylines: Children's fantasy and 1940's Spain after the Franco revolution. Uh, what's that again? Yep, that's the two main storylines. Kind of hard to describe. But I absolutely loved it. Yes, it's subtitled. But like I will always say, if a book is good, you don't want to put it down. If a subtitled movie is really good, you forget you're reading subtitles. Both storylines are very well done and neatly intertwined. You never tire of either one.

This probably should have been nominated in the Best Picture category. It really is that good. Just don't take the kids. For the adults, you'll have some squirm moments too.

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