Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snow Day

Today, all of us got to hole up in the house due to the snow. Anna's school called off, Dorene's school called off. Then finally, IU South Bend called it off. I found out this info at about 2:30 in the morning. I'm not sure who more anxiously watches the school closings scroll at the bottom of the screen, the kids or Dorene and I. Actually, that's a simple one, it's us.

We didn't do much of anything, and that was great. Today was Valentine's Day, so we gave the kids some candy treats. I gave Dorene some imported popcorn from Chicago (form Garrrett's, good stuff if you've never had it).

Dorene and I watched "Little Miss Sunshine," a moderately enjoyable but at the same time, moderately overrated movie. Some very jarring tone shifts as the movie wasn't always sure if it was a comedy or a depressing family study. Great performance though, by Abigail Breslin, who played 7-year old Olive. We were told that she reminded others of Anna, and she did. Wow, some of her mannerisms were exactly those of Anna. The dance scene at the end is one to rewind and watch again. This could have just as easily been a PG or PG-13 film, but they threw in some F bombs for good measure, which, as always, never add anything.

By the early evening, the roads were clear enough so we still had church. Dorene and I, along with the youth, threw a surprise birthday party for the high school leader, Joy, and she was completely surprised. Actually, her dad had called and said they wouldn't be coming because their car was stuck. We were like, "uh, we'll come get you." So, we drove the 20 minutes to pick up Joy. She remarked that there really wasn't much reason for her to go since by the time we got back to the church it would almost be over. Little did she know . . .

Now, it's late and I realize we all have to go to work/school tomorrow. That's okay, this made for a fun break. We are now officially ready for spring. Unfortunately, more snow is in the forecast.

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