Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Church Attendance

I recently read an article in USA Today about church hopping and how more and more people do this in search of the perfect church. The usual reasons were given, such as preaching, worship style, etc. It said that although people tend to switch to larger churches, the so-called "mega-churches" shouldn't be shouldered with the blame.

It gave this statistic: "The 1,200 or so megachurches (those with 2000 or more in attendance) are only one-half of 1% of all U.S. churches and account for only 5% of all weekend worship attenders."

So, then, why all the adulation heaped on the big churches if they are only a blip on the radar when you look at the whole picture? It seems like anything we are to learn about running a church, we have to learn from the mega-churches. All books, seminars, etc. are always authored by the mega-churches.

Churches should take a seminar from my brother Stu and his wife Joyce on how to build a kid's program bigger than the church itself (heck, maybe bigger than the town itself).

I hereby now could care less what Willow Creek does.

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