Thursday, July 19, 2007

"I Shoulda Been a Teacha"

This time of year I always ask myself, "Why didn't I go into teaching." Dorene is down in Kentucky until next Tuesday with the kids, attending the annual Simpson reunion on the shores of Lake Cumberland (this family loves getting together, and the times I've been able to attend the reunion really is a lot of fun, they do it every year).

But, I'm not a teacher so I don't get my summers off. In fact, summer is my busiest time as I coordinate the new student orientation programs for IU South Bend. Since five times in the summer I'm responsible for about 400-500 students, parents and guests at each orientation, I can't exactly be out of the office much. I usually get a few days here and there but that's about it. But that's okay, I'm really glad Dorene is able to have the extra time in the summer with the kids, that is a real perk.

Oh yeah, I forgot. The reason I didn't go into teaching? You have to teach . . . .kids . . . .every day. I'll stick with my day job.

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