Monday, October 29, 2007

Dispatches from Dallas - A Couple Blocks from History

Dallas is a very non-descript city. Nothing about it stands out. It's in the southwest, but doesn't have the distinct southwest "look" that you'd find in Arizona or New Mexico. All in all, a rather drab city. Don't care if I ever come back here. The conference has been great, but the city itself, don't care for it.

A couple days ago we left the hotel and walked towards downtown. As we reached a certain point I was like, "uh, this looks familiar." Sure enough, we were right in Dealey Plaza, which was just a couple blocks from the hotel. I looked up and there was where Oswald shot (okay, Oliver Stone, allegedly shot) JFK that fateful day almost 44 years ago. The whole area seemed smaller than I was expecting. The School Book Depository Building was not all that large and the 6th floor not all that high up and yes. The motorcade would have been very close so I can easily agree with the single shooter theory. Of course, I could also see how someone could have been hidden in the "grassy knoll." Hmmm.

The 6th floor of the depository building has been turned into a museum now, and just down the block is the JFK "conspiracy museum." I didn't visit either one, as I've pretty much read and seen everything there is about this event. But it did hold a certain fascination to be right there where such a watershed moment in our history took place.

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