Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Adding an Unexpected Chapter to Life

So, here we are, soon to be parents for a third time. Very much unexpected. Not planned at all, well, sorta not really planned at all. At one point, Dorene really wanted a third child and I was adamantly against it. She then pretty much got over it. However, for some reason, I hesitated about getting the procedure to ensure this would never happen again. I didn't want another kid . . .did I? But something in the back of my mind wouldn't let me follow through. But, I still made the appointment, and 2 days after making the appointment, we found out the news.

Right now, we're totally in a daze. Kind of in denial, not really doing much of anything to prepare for the new one. As of now, this kid ain't gonna get jack squat. We don't plan on buying anything until it arrives. In that sense, we're older and wiser parents. For Anna, we bought everything. That kid had enough new clothes to go a month without wearing the same thing again (and that really is not an exaggeration and mom can confirm that with all the clothes she's sold at garage sales). But this time around, we'll wait and see what baby showers bring us . . .kinda selfish I know, but the reality is Dorene's co-workers and our new church will be quite generous.

Mom seems kinda excited. Steve is probably really pumped because now that he had all this experience holding Conner, he has another chance with a nephew or niece. Stu said he was really really surprised, and, okay Steve, I'm just kidding. We could care less if you hold this one.

So, this is certainly one of those unexpected life moments. Not sure how all this will pan out. One observation: I'll be eligible for Medicare when this kid goes to college.

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