Monday, September 22, 2008

Note to Saturday Night Live: Not Funny

When Tina Fey did her impersonation of Sarah Palin a week ago, I thought it was great. Very well done. Amy Poehler also does such a great Hillary, always ready to explode.

But this past Saturday night, the opening sketch featured John McCain giving voiceover approval to outrageous rumors about Obama. It wasn't clever, nor was it funny (nor did the audience seem to laugh). Another sketch implied Todd Palin was the father of Trig . . .and Bristol was the mom.

I'm all for good political humor and will laugh at any clever jabs at either side, but this was very mean spirited and seemed bent on destroying Palin. Saturday Night Live has a long history of great political sketches, but this night was not one of them.

1 comment:

hipperken said...

SNL has not been even remotely funny for several years now. Quite frankly I'm surprised you still watch it! I mean remember (and I know you do), "Jane you ignorant...", Chevy and Richard Pryor in "Word Association", "Ohhh, that's gotta hurt the big Russian", "...well, that goes along with my theory that dark-skinned blacks are inferior to light-skinned blacks", and pretty much anything Dana Carvey? Yeah. Now THAT was comedy. Tina Fey may tell jokes but she is no COmedian.