Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Allison Diane Dennie

. . .And so here she is, introducing Allison Diane Dennie, born at 1:29 p.m. on October 8. For those that want to know, she weighed 8 pounds and was 20 inches long. Guys NEVER know this stuff, so I made sure I kept it memorized because people do ask, although I'm not really sure why.

Mom and baby "Allie" are doing just fine now, as they came home from the hospital on Saturday. As you can see from the picture above, big sister Anna kinda likes the little tyke, a far cry from the major freak-out episode when she first heard the news of her impending arrival. Cameron likes her too, and keeps volunteering to help with diapers. Whatever, he can do that all he wants.

Above is a picture of Allie at 2 days old with Aunt Dee Dee (real name Diane, which is where Allie's middle name comes from).

Mom and dad were here just a few hours ago. They were going to wait until after their vacation to see her, but couldn't wait that long. They brought along a bunch of sugar cookies, so we're glad they could come up (to see Allie of course).


hipperken said...

A.D.D.? Seriously though, CONGRATULATIONS guys!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I've been watching and hoping that you would post some pictures. She's a cutie! Definately looking forward to meeting her.

Anonymous said...

Hello! I'm a friend and OD classmate of Dorene's. I found your blog while looking for your mailing address (I'm not a crazy..Dorene can vouch for me :) Allie is gorgeous! Carlene says she's a very good baby..lucky you! I hope to meet her soon! Becky (Brandt) Gibbons