Sunday, October 05, 2008

Baby Allie, Due in 3 Days

On Friday, Dorene went to the doctor to determine if she would carry through to term or schedule a C-section. She initially wanted to go for the natural delivery, but over the past week, decided to recant that wish. Not very comfortable, and not getting much sleep led her to tell the doctor, "Let's do this now" (she was serious, she told the doctor she'd go to surgery right then and there).

Well, not so fast. We still had to wait, but now it's set. The birth of our new baby girl will take place on Wednesday, October 8, at 1:00 p.m. Unless, of course, the ultrasound played a trick on us, in which case we'll have to come up quickly with a different name. Or, as Cameron asked in all seriousness, what if it comes out as half girl and half boy? Uh, next question.

1 comment:

hipperken said...

Oct 8 is Sheryl's b-day! Your kids picked out some GOOD candy for your b-day!