Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Final Debate (final words)

In 2012, they need to just scuttle the debates or change the format. These are not really debates in any sense of the word, just a recitation of each candidate's talking points. That said, I guess last night's was a little better than the last snooze-fest, but overall, nothing spectacular. Some random notes:
  • My wife enjoyed it because it helped put her to sleep.
  • Bob Schiffer by far is the best moderator. He kept control and just never seemed very impressed by either of them.
  • Had McCain left Joe the Plumber alone after the first couple times, it might have resonated a little more. But the constant repeat of that name soon got hilarious. There was just something unintentionally funny of a potential commander in chief of the world's superpower saying "Joe the Plumber" multiple times. No matter what happened in the rest of the debate, I knew that people at work today would be talking about Joe, and they were.
  • As expected, Obama played his prevent defense and took absolutely no chances. He didn't need to, but it would be nice to see a little passion in there.
  • Typically evasive answers on what programs the candidates would cut. Also, way to be evasive on being nice to each other the rest of the campaign.
  • Okay Obama, taxes will be cut for 95% of Americans . . . .I get it already.
  • The whole William Ayres thing? I don't know, I just don't see it resonating. I have more problems with Jeremiah Wright. That was a true mentor of Obama's for many years, but McCain left that one alone. I personally think it's fair game.
  • I wonder if Soledad O'Brien of CNN is sick of meeting with the undecided voters in Ohio. I'm sure she just wakes up the morning of every debate so excited to do this and how it will advance her professional career. With apologies to my family members in the Buckeye State, JUST PICK SOMEONE ALREADY!
  • McCain quickly squeezed in a comment about the Democrats having total control after the election. This is a huge issue to me and one he should have really pushed. I don't think Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Rangel, et al are going to "change" for Obama. Why should they if they are already in control? When Clinton took office in 1993, the Democrats controlled everything and it was a disaster. Same with the Republicans in the early part of this decade. One-party control is never good and the one party always self-destructs.
  • Can't believe it took 3 debates before the Supreme Court got mentioned. This is a true legacy the next President will have. At least 1 and maybe up to 3 appointments could be forthcoming in just one 4-year term.
  • "Senator Obama, I know George Bush. I served with George Bush. George Bush is a friend of mine. Senator, I'm no George Bush."

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