Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Anna @ 10

Yesterday was Anna's 10th birthday. Dorene and I took her out to celebrate minus Cameron and Allie. Anna got to choose where to eat and she chose Olive Garden (fine by us, we love it there).

For her birthday present, we didn't give her an actual present to unwrap. For Anna, the best gift you can give her is time, and that's what we gave her. Her present from Dorene will be a day trip to Chicago to meet up with her sister and go to a museum. Her present from me is a night out going to a movie. Anna said she much preferred getting that as opposed to a present (and she means it, she's very hard to shop for at Christmas time).

However, we still took her to Toys 'R Us and let her pick out a "Littlest Pet Shop" figurine that she collects and gave her a birthday card, which she loved, even though it wasn't like the kind she gets from grandma that has money in it.

We had a wonderful evening and my (first) little girl is quickly growing up on us. She is a true delight, quirky in many ways, and it's been 10 wonderful years with her (well, except maybe you need to talk to Dorene about when she turned 3).

1 comment:

hipperken said...

WOW! 10 years old! Hannah collects Littlest Pet Shops too. And one of YOUR kids is quirky??? Who woulda thunk it?