Monday, August 10, 2009

Anna and the Underdog

Our 10-year old daughter Anna is a social butterfly. Nothing makes her happier than to have other kids around to play with. When we go to a motel, after about 5 minutes in the pool, she knows everyone's name.

But there's a deeper part to her that really makes me proud. Anna also is very inclusive. She wants every kid to have a good time and makes sure that happens. Anna herself is a little quirky and a little odd, so maybe that's why she doesn't see anyone else as being quirky or odd. She just wants them to have fun. Recently we were at a playground and one girl was crying because another girl had evidently hit her. She was over with her mom and wasn't going to play anymore. Anna went over to her and before you know it, both of them were running around having a great time. I've seen her sit with special needs' kids and talk to them like she would anyone else, seemingly oblivious to the fact they were different. She has a heart for the underdog. Those that might get left out, she makes sure they get put in.

On Sunday, our pastor spoke on III John. One of the verses he highlighted was verse four, which reads, "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." Someday, I imagine Anna could give us a run for our money on that one and make us wonder what we did wrong. But for now, nothing makes this father more proud than to see his daughter practicing the golden rule to its fullest.

1 comment:

hipperken said...

VERY cool Ricker.