Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Returning to Bible Quizzing

Anna is on the quiz team at Trinity Evangelical Free Church in South Bend. Dorene and I used to be quiz coaches there and it's been fun returning but this time in the supportive parent role. We're not switching churches, just having Anna join their quiz team as a free agent. Kinda cool in that two of our former quizzers are now the coaches.

Anna had her first quiz last weekend in Peoria, Illinois. We weren't sure how she'd do because quizzing puts you in the spotlight and you also get told "wrong" several times. This didn't faze Anna a bit. She stepped it up and kinda surprised us. She finished in the top 10, which is quite good for her first quiz meet.

Even better is that quizzing is divided up into two divisions, upper and lower. As a 5th grader, Anna is on the lower division. However, there weren't enough teams quizzing in the lower division, so they combined everything so the lower teams (typically first-year teams) quizzed against the experienced teams with high school juniors and seniors. Anna held her own and outjumped many of the older, much more experienced quizzers. Can you say, YES!!

Cameron has played soccer, basketball, baseball and gymnastics. Anna has not really had anything to call her own. But she called Grandma Dennie after the quiz and told her, "I finally found my sport."

Not to brag on her or anything, but watch out, she's gonna be a good quizzer and comes from good quizzing pedigree. Both my brothers quizzed as did all my nephews and niece (whom I told practiced with laminated note cards in the shower). Myself, we didn't have a quiz team at our small church in Pixley, California, so I never got to quiz. But if we had, I'm sure a team that had me and Jeff Prine would have been unstoppable.

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