Monday, November 08, 2010

Book: "I, Alex Cross"

The latest in the Alex Cross series by James Patterson. All of these books used to be based on nursery rhymes, such as Along Came a Spider, Jack and Jill, Roses are Red, etc. But I guess Patterson used all these up, so now the novels are all different variations of Cross (the last 4 novels have been Cross, Double Cross, Cross Country this one, with Cross Fire due for release shortly).

Nothing new or earth shattering in this one. As always, Cross is on the hunt for a creepy killer. More or less the same as in other novels, but this one, as is usually the case, is quite good. Although, it might spend a tad too much time on Cross' home life and Nana Mama.

This always had the makings of a great movie or t.v. series, but they botched it when they cast Morgan Freeman in the two movies that were made. Way too old for this character. Never quite sure why they did that. Always figured a Denzel or Wesley would have been the way to go.

Anyway, for an enjoyable, quick (and I mean quick) read, you can never go wrong with James Patterson. He has a couple of other series going. The Women's Murder Club, which has 9 books now. I only read the first one, which was quite good, not sure why I didn't keep going. Also has a series about teens with wings, which always sounded a little weird. Patterson then also churns out random books with other authors that seem to come out monthly. I've read a few of those and there have been some good ones.

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