Monday, March 07, 2005

Bush Comes to Town.

President Bush came to town on Friday to promote his Social Security agenda. From what I've gathered after extensive research is that some people are for his plan and others are against it (sarcastic tone intended). Obviously, Democrats are adamantly opposed to it. Is it because they truly think his plan is wrong, or they don't want a Republican to get credit for overhauling something that has truly been a Democratic staple all these years? I do remember Bill Clinton first proposing the whole "private account" issue back during his time, so it's not like this is a brand new concept. This issue has a long way to go. It hasn't even reached the debate stage on the House or Senate floor. Calm down people! Bush isn't going to do away with your retirement. It seems something needs to be done to ensure social security's long-term health, but who knows exactly what.

Bush was pretty much in and out. No chance to get close to the airport to see Air Force One or to see his motorcade. So, I didn't leave work to do so (although I would have, had the opportunity arisen to catch a glimpse of one or the other). Bush comes to South Bend quite often. He campaigned here in 2000, spoke at Notre Dame his first year in office, and made two visits in support of Congressman Chris Chocola in 2002 and 2004. So, we see him around here a lot, even though Indiana is fairly solid Republican anyway.

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