Thursday, October 06, 2005

Bush & the Supreme Court: Round 2

Wow, the Republicans are freaking out over Harriet Miers' nomination to the Supreme Court. I guess there are a lot of folks that felt Bush owed them an ultra-conservative justice that would more or less guarantee a reversal of Roe v. Wade. Bush definitely pulled this pick from left field. I don't get too worked up over Supreme Court picks, because all too often they don't end up voting how everyone thought they would. Remember, 7 of the 9 justices are Republican appointees. David Souter and Sandra Day-O'Connor were both conservative "locks" that didn't vote the way people thought they would. They turned radical and based their decisions on the Constitution and the law. Hey, now there's a concept. I am hearing bits and pieces of Miers' background. She claims to be an evangelical Christian, which should drive the Democrats nuts. But they are enjoying the Republicans fighting amongst themselves right now and don't want to spoil the fun, so they aren't coming out against her very much.

I was much more comfortable with John Roberts. He'll make a good Chief Justice, but make no mistake about it. He's a conservative. This is where Bush has his legacy. No matter how he leaves office, he'll have two Supreme Court nominees to his name. Remember how Nixon left office in disgrace? But who did he leave behind? Yes, Chief Justice Rehnquist, who served 30 years after Nixon resigned. That's a legacy. If you are a liberal, you better hope the other 7 Justices stay healthy, especially Bader-Ginsburg and Breyer. Bush has three more years to go.

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