Monday, October 03, 2005

Okay, now it's time to watch baseball.

I don't watch baseball from April to September. But now, I will tune in. It's playoff time. This is when it gets interesting. I'm not sure how we can top last year, with the incredible Red Sox comeback against the Yankees and then winning it all after such a long drought. But we'll give it a go. The team I would like to see take it all this year are the White Sox. They have sort of gotten looked over when discussions turn to teams that have gone years and years without a championship. The last time they won a World Series was 1917. That's been a while. Their drought is almost as long as the Cubs and (before last year), the Red Sox, but they don't get as much credit for their misery. I have an uneasy feeling the Red Sox will take them out quickly, but here's hoping. In the National League, I think it would be funny if the Padres get to the Series. They are just two games above the .500 mark. They wouldn't have even been in the running had they been in any other division. But they will never get past the Cardinals. So, let's go with a White Sox/Cardinals World Series with the White Sox beating the Cubs at bringing a World Series title back to Chicago.

Oh, did you see that my football Cardinals won yesterday. Beat the 49'ers down in Mexico City.

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