Thursday, January 11, 2007

Bush's Surge

I just can't buy into it. I don't see how adding 21,000 more troops is going to change anything in Iraq. In the short term, it may indeed have an effect. But at some point, the troops leave and then things go back to how they were. I remember several years ago when the national guard went into Gary, Indiana when their murder rate was leading the nation. The murder rate dropped during the time the Guard was there, but when they left? Yep, things went back to how they were.

Iraq is a bit bigger than Gary, Indiana. The insurgency is so entrenched, that they'll probably just go into hiding for a while. Or, they may continue to strike, which will really be a devastating blow because it'll show how all the military might in the world can't effectively battle guerilla warfare in the streets. Nor will Iraqi civilians be any safer. If anything, it could get even worse for them. It's mind boggling how many Iraqis have died since the "liberation." Yeah, I agreed wholeheartedly when we went in. But now, I just want the troops to come home.

Good luck to those in the Bush adminstration trying to sell this plan. Let's see how the new Congress deals with it.

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