Thursday, August 30, 2007

I Kinda Like John Edwards

I always tell my Democrat colleagues that had their ticket been reversed in 2004, then they'd be in the White House right now. But with Kerry as the nominee, that sealed it for Bush.

I actually kinda like John Edwards and think he has one of the better messages out there with his "Tale of Two Americas." He is trailing behind Clinton and Obama big time, but I think there's a chance he could pull a surprise in Iowa. Maybe not, he could get trounced, but I don't think he's done yet.

I also like hearing what Elizabeth Edwards has to say. She's not afraid to put it out there and say things everyone's thinking but no one wants to say (maybe she should go on "The View"). She said something recently that I told my colleagues after the 2006 election bloodbath. I told everyone that the only thing that could reenergize the Republicans is a Hillary Clinton ticket. She has been demonized over the years, and with her as the nominee, that could actually give hope to Republicans.

I don't think she's as bad as everyone makes her out to be, but I'm not sure I want her to be president either. But Elizabeth said, “I don't know where it comes from. I don't begin to understand it. But you can't pretend it doesn't exist, and it will energize the Republican base."

Could be.

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