Monday, October 08, 2007

Eight is Enough?

Our pastor and his wife recently announced they are expecting . . .their 8th child. Sarah is their oldest and is a junior in high school. Their youngest is Lydia and just entered Kindergarten. Wow, that's a lot of kids. We have two kids, two dogs, and a cat, which is plenty for us.

But you know what, if anyone should have more children, it's Pastor Greg and Cheryl. They are wonderful parents and their kids are so delightful. Lydia and Cameron are the best of buddies and it is really entertaining to watch them play together. Their other daughters, Becca and Hannah, get along great with Anna. In fact, we can have most of their kids at our house and you wouldn't even know they are there. They are extremely well-behaved and polite as all get out.

Great kids, great parents, but don't look for us to try and close the gap here. We're stopping with two, unless God has some surprises in store for us (which, by the way, is what happened with our pastor).

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