Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Taking Praying for Everyone to a New Level

Each night at bedtime, Cameron likes us to pray with him out loud. Not sure why it started, but it's his thing (Anna is more of the silent prayer type). Anyway, Cameron will have one us pray first and then he takes his turn, and I'll tell you, he goes on and on and on like some Baptist minister.

He prays for everyone, and I mean everyone. He prays for God to "protect daddy and protect his heart, protect Uncle Stu and protect his heart, protect Lydia and protect her heart . . . ." and on and on through every family member, friend, and church member he can think of. Sometimes he throws in for God to protect the lions and zebras and other animals. He also likes to throw things in once in a while like "hoping daddy lets me have a cookie tomorrow" or "mom and dad let me go to a friends house." Sneaky little tyke.

One night, he was going through his usual long list of who to protect, but then added a more universal touch. Instead of going on to the next name, he paused then said, " . . . . and protect . . .everyone on this planet."

So that's what he does now, he just prays for everyone on the planet so he doesn't leave anyone out. That does help shorten things a bit, and at least I don't have to stand during this prayer.

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