Thursday, October 25, 2007

Jumping the Shark

This term is used to describe a television show that hits an absolute low and never recovers. It gets it's name from an infamous episode of "Happy Days" where Fonzie jumped a shark on water skis. After that, the show allegedly never recovered.

I'm wondering if my favorite show "24" will do that now. One thing you can always count on with this show is that when someone is killed off, they are truly gone. However, when a show gets desperate, they start thinking how to creatively bring back characters that we saw die ("hey, they weren't really dead" or the ever reliable "it was a dream"). Well, this season, they are resurrecting Tony, who we all saw killed off in Season 5. I hope they handle it right, because that opens the door to "anything can happen" and what all took place previously doesn't matter. We'll see in January when the show returns.

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