Monday, April 21, 2008

Our Weekend Visitors

Friday night, Tom, Paula, Benjamin, Jonathan, and Becky all came up to visit us and spend the night. We had been trying to arrange this for several months and finally we got everyone's schedule to mesh. Curt would have been there but he was away in Memphis for training.

We showed everyone around our new house and the kids were excited to show off their new trampoline. I specifically told Cameron that no matter what Tom, Benjamin and Jonathan told him about what they used to do on their trampoline, to pay them no mind.

For dinner, I brought out pizza from Luigi's, a hole in the wall place in South Bend that has the best pizza in town. We hung out, played games, then had everyone in bed by 9:00 p.m. Okay, not quite, it was closer to 1:00 a.m. before anyone (including our kids) went down. Becky had to go back to work on Saturday, so she drove back at about 10:00 p.m. That was nice she was able to still come up, even for a short time.

In the morning, we did a big breakfast of waffles, bacon, and Jonathan omelettes. Although, by the time everyone actually got up and we ate, it was more of a lunch. In the afternoon, two individuals went shopping at Goodwill, whose names were not Rick, Tom, Benjamin, or Jonathan.

Things kinda wrapped up after Dorene and Paula returned and we bid everyone adieu. It was a fun weekend and we appreciated everyone wanting to come up and hang out with us. We hope to do this again sometime. Next up, we need to get to Stu and Joyce's for some intense volleyball action.

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