Wednesday, August 06, 2008

A Return to Church Camp

A couple weeks ago, Dorene and the kids went to family camp at the Wesleyan campground in Fairmount, Indiana (James Dean territory). I couldn't go because of a busy week at work. However, I was able to go down on Friday evening and stay until the camp concluded on Sunday. This was my first church camp venture in about 25 years, which was a staple growing up.

My very first camp experience would have been in Pennsylvania, but I remember nothing about it. When we lived in Arizona, I vaguely remember going to some place called Watsonville, and not really enjoying it all that much. Maybe we also went somewhere else? I can't really remember.

But in California, I remember it well. We spent a few years of family camp at a place called Canyon Meadows, which at the time was a brand new campground, complete with 4-hole golf course, huge cloverleaf-shaped pool, and motel room accommodations. I enjoyed this place a lot. The junior camp accommodations were literally covered wagons with bunk beds, they were pretty cool . . .except I never stayed there. I always stayed in the air conditioned comfort with mom and dad (by choice). I remember for two years a husband and wife team led the junior camp. I think the Caruthers or something like that? They were great and they may have visited our home church at Pixley a time or two.

When I got into the 7th grade, I got to go to teen camp, which took place at a camp called Quaker Meadow. Very rustic, very old accommodations, but as a teen, who cares? These were some very fun times at this camp, which was nestled up high in the mountains in California. One year, the speaker for the week was Marvin Price, our former pastor in Arizona. For a couple years, we had this wild and crazy youth pastor from central California named John Calcote, who was a huge hit. Dad, who was always the camp director, always found it humorous to blast "The Chipmunks" from the loudspeaker to wake everyone up in the morning. During these years, I was always the reigning ping-pong champion. We played on old warped tables with balls probably obtained from the dollar store. I could never lower myself to playing in such conditions now, since I reguarly play on $2,000 Butterfly tables.

But as for family camp this year, it was very enjoyable the couple days I was there. The kids absolutely loved it and we'll definitely be going back now. I imagine for the next several years, this will be our family vacation, which is fine with me.

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