Thursday, August 07, 2008

Okay, China, Game On!

Alright, time for this repressive regime to show us what they got. I think the high ranking government officials will be glad when it's all over, because a lot of warts are going to be exposed. Although, you do have to give them credit. They said they would allow protests, as long as said protesters formally applied for a "permit" and would agree to a location far removed from the action. Uh huh, real open government here.

I don't think the pictures you see on t.v. of the pollution does it justice. From what I read, it is really, really (really) bad. The government says they have a back-up plan if the pollution gets too bad. Uh, what would that be? Just move everything down to Australia?

I can see one of the hot selling souvenier items being some sort of oxygen mask with the Beijing Olympic logo on it. Hmm, would it be "Made in China?" Look for the late night talk show hosts to be ruthless on this.

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