Thursday, August 28, 2008

What is Up With Wolf?

Wolf Blitzer, dude, you are losing it. I watched CNN's coverage last night, and when Biden was through with his speech, the coverage shifted back to the post-speech commentary. But before saying anything about the speech, Wolf went on and on about the band that was playing and how much he enjoyed them all week. It was really weird. Anderson Cooper made jokes about Wolf and his obsession with the band, but I could tell he was really thinking, "Uh, Wolf, we have a major convention going on here, who cares about the band?"

I thought Biden's speech was rather weak, and the response from the crowd was very lackluster. It seemed at the most he would just get a little applause here and there. Biden's a good guy with a good story, but he just didn't electrify like Hillary the night before. I didn't get to see Bill, but it sounds like he did okay. I'm sure the Obama's now are thinking, "Okay, Bill and Hillary, thank you, now BUH BYE!:

It will be interesting to watch Obama's speech tonight, especially being in a large outdoor stadium as opposed to a smaller indoor arena where it can be much more noisy. I'm sure he'll do a bang-up job.

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