Monday, September 29, 2008

Turning 44

My birthday was yesterday. No big occasion, just turned 44. Don't feel any different, although I can't say that I was expecting to have a baby daughter shortly after my 44th birthday.

My kids gave me several presents they all handpicked. They led me on a scavenger hunt throughout the house. Anna wrote up clues to lead me to various places (did a pretty good job on them too). I ended up with a couple bottles of Gatorade, and then some of my favorite snacks, many of which I can take to the hospital in a week or so when Dorene goes in. For the record, I got chocolate chip cookes, mini-Charleston Chews, Twizzlers, Bottle Caps, Cadbury chocolate, Reese's, football shaped Little Debbie brownies, and Dots. They did good!

For lunch, I had to cook my own meal. Actually, this was by design. We purchased a side of beef from one of our church members and the steaks are superb. No sense on paying for something like this in a restaurant. So I grilled ribeyes with Daddy Hinkles marinade (the best marinade ever . . . thank you Stu for introducing me to this one).

Later in the evening, our pastor called and we went out to dinner with him and his wife. Went to Chili's, which is one of our favorite restaurants. Our pastor's wife, Cheryl, commented that last year at this time, she was sure we couldn't have expected having a baby now. I said, "No, we were too busy laughing at you for having an unexpected one." (they had their own October surprise with child #8).

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