Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Our New Set of Wheels

We currently have two cars. A Buick Riviera with 155,000 miles on it and a Dodge Caravan witih 178,000. Yeah, kinda getting up there in miles. With baby #3 on the way, we were wanting to have a vehicle that could be a little more dependable, especially on longer trips. The other two, while still running okay, we don't know when they might just die on us.

So, we got ourselves a new mini-van. Actually, not brand new, but a used one with only 27,000 miles on it (over 150,000 less miles than our current mini-van). It's got power everything and a great feature in that all the seats fold into the floor, so you don' t have to unlatch seats and haul them into the garage when you need the extra space. Got a really good deal on it and hope to have it a long time.

For now, we're just going to park it and drive it sparingly. Actually, not only are we driving it sparingly right now, we're not driving it at all. I went to get the title done last night and discovered my license is suspended. Oops, forgot to pay that $25.00 seat belt violation from last summer. So yes, I am a fugitive.

We'll still keep the other vehicles. I mean, yes, I could possibly get $1.99 for the Buick, but it is cheap to drive and I'll keep driving it to work until it dies. Currently, it has no air conditioning, the back window stays down permanently, it makes a weird sound, and is leaking gas. But it's paid for and the annual license is about $35.00. Can't beat that.

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