Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Night

We don't do the trick or treat thing anymore with the kids. We have a church activity, called "trunk or treat" in which we pass out candy and hot dogs to the community. We probably had close to 200 people come through, as it keeps getting bigger every year. Our kids still got their fair share of candy, so they didn't feel they were missing out on anything.

In South Bend, trick or treat times are 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. I remember growing up when trick or treating didn't even start until 7:00 p.m. or later. You waited until it was dark, that was the point. Now you make sure you are all done before it gets dark. Parents accompany their kids. I remember going out without parents along. In fact, I remember riding my bike around Pixley, California BY MYSELF one year, and it was no big deal. Ain't no way that would be happening today.

Anna and Cameron had a party at their school today, North Liberty Christian School. Anna went as the "wordless book" (Dorene's creativity at work). Her hair was spray painted black and she had different color shirt, skirt and pants. Cameron wanted to go as Jesus carrying the cross. So, we dressed him accordingly, complete with cross, blood, and crown of thorns. Both won prizes for best costume. YESSS! Not that we were striving for that.


hipperken said...

What are you guys, the Flanders family from The Simpsons?

Rick Dennie said...

Well, they were going to go as the Osborne kids, but we decided to go a different route.

hipperken said...

Ahh. Good choice!!