Monday, November 03, 2008

Election Eve Notes

So, we're almost done with all this. I read an article recently about "post-election blues" for those that read every last bit of election info there is. I'm basically in that category, although I think my life will continue just fine after the election.

Some thoughts before casting my vote tomorrow:
  • Before the campaign started, I felt the Republicans needed to sit this one out and retool. In a lot of ways, I think that is what they've done. Yes, there may have been things McCain could have done differently, but he is being rejected for the same reason Hillary was rejected in the primary. He represents old-time Washington and the phenomena that is Obama just couldn't be stopped. Obama's campaign machine has been pretty remarkable. He's been steady the whole time and McCain has had to just launch attacks on the hour. At times I thought his strategy was poor, but being the huge underdog, not sure what else he could do.

  • Many are wanting to blame Palin, but I think that is being overstated. Read the recaps of her appearances around the nation. She has rock star status. Maybe the pundits don't like her, but she has energized the party like no one else could have. I do believe she was mishandled at the outset. It will be interesting to see if this is it for her or if she comes back.

  • Speaking of Hillary, I imagine no one is kicking themselves more than her. What if she had run in 2004? But no, she only had 2 years experience in the Senate at the time. Surely people wouldn't vote for someone with that little of experience. I still don't think the Clintons can quite believe they lost to this guy.

  • A landslide is being predicted, although I'm not sure how that is defined anymore. The days of a Nixon or Reagan thrashing where the opponent only wins one state are long gone. There's always talk of cultural, economic, racial, etc. divisions in the nation. I think one of the biggest divides is simply party affiliation. There's just no way some people will ever cross over and vote the other side.

  • Many of my co-workers are Black, and this election means much more to them than you can imagine. I think they are as equally scared of losing as they are of winning. Lose, and all the hopes they had over the past year go the drain. Win, and as Al Sharpton said last night on CNN, "We're in the pilot's seat and have to prove ourselves worthy of being given the seat in the first place." I don't even try to pretend to understand their stake in this election. I've told my colleagues repeatedly that they have nothing to worry about, but to no avail. They still fear some 2000 Florida scenario that snatches defeat from the jaws of victory.


hipperken said...

If blacks vote for O because he is black doesn't that make them racist?

And... would this be the end for Palin? As far as I know there are 2 biographies about her. I just read one of them. Four things: 1)She has lost before but came back for even bigger victories 2)It would be up to her family whether she keeps going. The woman acually seeks the unanimous consent of her family! 3)Timing. When she has lost before she has basically said, "Well, this either wasn't the right time and or the right position." 4)She is all about doing the right thing no matter the cost. I would vote for her for prez in a heartbeat.

hipperken said...

On another note: Sheryl and I took Hannah to see HSM 3 today (OK, so I would have gone even without Hannah) and I will say it again: Troy Bolton is dreamy!!!