Friday, October 03, 2008

Sarah Barracuda Comes Back

I wouldn't say Palin won the debate last night, but more importantly, she didn't lose either. In fact, I thought she did quite well. Now, whether that's because of the very low expectations, I don't know (her interview with Katie Couric was a little cringe-worthy at times). But she held her own just fine. For the final weeks, McCain just needs to let her loose. It's not like he's going to win anyway, so quit holding her back. She certainly has the folksy down-home appeal down pat. She kinda reminded me of Marge Gunderson from "Fargo" at times ("you betcha").

As for Biden, he got through just fine. David Gergen said it was Biden's best debate performance ever, and he was probably right. He is actually quite likeable and didn't seem so much on autopilot as Obama tends to be.

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