Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Casting My Vote . . Still a Republican

It just would have been too easy. Everyone is railing against the Republican Party and jumping ship. Bashing Bush has become a national pastime. I've been a registered Republican for 24 years and seen some high points and low points. Tonight will be a very low point (and by 7:30 p.m. when polls have closed in Indiana, Ohio and Virginia, we'll have a good idea of what happens). The media will probably be "shocked and surprised" by what takes place. It'll be a Republican bloodbath, no doubt about it, but I've been expecting that all along.

But voting for Obama? I just couldn't do it. Yes, I understand his campaign for change and even I felt energized when I attended his rally back in the spring. I absolutely see why his campaign has resonated so much. But he still remains very much a mystery to me, more of a concept than a candidate.

I felt the Republicans needed to use this election to retool, and McCain is helping do just that. Like sports teams you stick with when they are down and out, I couldn't just abandon the party that I've identified with for so long. I've worked locally on a couple elections and will probably do so again in the future. The party will be back again, although it could be a while. But they have a lot of work to do repairing the Bush damage. So, for those Republicans that jumped ship for this election, "Y'all come back and see us sometime."

1 comment:

hipperken said...

What's so mysterious about O? There is a mountain of evidence, much of it the words coming out of his very own mouth, that he is so liberal that he is a Socialist. No mystery there! This election says more about America's critical thinking skills than anything else. I'm just glad I have a King!!! A King trumps a president any day.