Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Obama v. Limbaugh

It's his choice, but I'm not sure why he is going up against this guy. I'm talking about Obama. Does he really think that blasting Rush publicly is going to make him go away? Think about it. The most powerful man in the world, who has a host of major problems to deal with in running this country, is instead talking about Rush Limbaugh. Perhaps there are other issues on Obama's plate he should be more concerned with?

How do you think this makes Rush feel? He is absolutely loving it. Clinton did the exact same thing and it only empowered Rush. I don't listen to Rush much anymore, although I do get daily email summaries of his show. It always amuses me when people spend so much time talking about how much they hate listening to him. But if you hate listening to him, WHY DO YOU KEEP LISTENING?!?

Reminds me of a story about Howard Stern's early days. His manager despised him and asked the marketing folks how long the average Stern fan listened. It was something like 2 hours. He then asked how long the average Stern hater listened. It was about 3 hours.

This is why Limbaugh is absolutely loving all this. Whether you love him or hate him, a ratings point is all the same if you are tuning in.

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