Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bush v. Obama at Baseball

So, who is the better pitcher, Bush or Obama? Obama had his chance last night at the All-Star game, and there has been some watercooler talk about it. By the angle shown on Fox, you can't tell if he made it to the plate or not. From what I've read, it didn't quite make it (the catcher, Albert Pujols, helped him out).

Hmm, I'm not always into these conspiracy things, but it does seem like they purposely played that angle so he wouldn't look bad. When a pitch is thrown, the shot you always see is from the centerfield camera. The camera angle on Obama was nothing that's ever used and seemed like the equivalent of an amateur botching the shot.

Compare it to the Bush video of throwing out the pitch at Yankee Stadium shortly after 9/11. It was a perfect strike (and seen from the centerfield camera).

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