Thursday, July 08, 2010

Why I (still) Don't Like Soccer

Okay, so it's the Netherlands v. Spain in the World Cup final. Alrighty then. If I'm by a t.v., I guess I might check it out, but if not, no big loss.

I've been engaged in some friendly back and forth with some of my student workers, several that are international, in just how boring soccer is and how it'll never be as popular here in the U.S. While I certainly gave it a try for this World Cup, and started getting a little excited when the U.S. advanced, I just can't embrace this game. Here are a few reasons why.

It's Boring - One of the biggest arguments for the pro-soccer side is that soccer is non-stop action and a typical NFL game only has about 12 minutes of actual play time during a 60-minute time span. Okay, technically that's true. But just because there is sustained movement going on doesn't mean it's exciting. They kick the ball this way, they kick it back the other way, they kick the ball this way, and so it goes. Think to any recent last-minute touchdown drive in the NFL and how exciting it is when every play is huge. Very, very exciting.

Stoppage Time - I don't get this rule. Time runs out, they keep playing, making up for injury time or something else. Think of your NFL team kicking a field goal as time expires, but the ref says, "Uh, we still have 3 more minutes to play."

Referees - This recent World Cup could mark a change in how the game is officiated. When the U.S. played Slovenia, we kicked a goal and it was disallowed. However, the ref did not say why. Nor is he required to ever explain his reasoning. Nor is the league office required to explain it.

Furthermore, in baseball, there are 4 officials on the field at a time. In the NFL, there are several. In soccer, there is only ONE to cover a very large field. How could they possibly get all the calls right, or even close sometimes. That makes no sense. But this all could change this year as there have been many questionable calls.

Low Scoring - A 3-1 game is considered a blowout. More often than not, scores are 1-0. Yeah, exciting stuff when they ALMOST score often.

Television - Soccer seems especially dull on t.v. Maybe being there live helps, I don't know. But to watch it, with the continuous play, just doesn't make for very exiting t.v.

Would I be watching the final if the U.S. was in it? Absolutely, but that doesn't mean I'd ever watch soccer again for the next 4 years (kinda like the Olympic sports you only watch when they're on).

So world, enjoy the futbol on Sunday.

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