Friday, October 13, 2006

Something That Won't Ever Get Old

I love my job and I love my family even more. Every day, the transition between the two is typically the highlight of my day.

When I walk in the door, a flurry of activity happens. Anna comes running up to me yelling "DADDY" and gives me a big hug. Right behind her is Cameron, who does the same (usually wielding one of his toy guns or swords). Then comes Daphne the Dog, who jumps up and down wildly, like she hasn't seen me in a week. Somewhere in the midst is Dorene, who doesn't jump up and down but is always of course glad to see me come home. Then there's Gracie the Cat. She just sort of raises her head and looks at me as if to say, "Yeah, who made YOU king?" then goes back to sleep.

No matter how my day went, good or bad, it's always so comforting to have such a home life to return to. That greeting I get as I come in the door will never grow old and I hope I'm always the dad and husband (and even pet owner) whose arrival is always delightfully anticipated.

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