Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Anna Rides a Bike

Some kids have fears . . .and other kids have FEARS! For Anna, learning to ride a bike was just one of those things she could not get in her head to do. She was still riding her bike with training wheels. It didn't really seem to bug her that other kids a couple years younger were already riding around the neighborhood. Well, it didn't use to at least.

Finally, Sunday afternoon, she seemed ready to conquer this fear. Needless to say, it took a while. Many false starts, many times Anna throwing the bike down and saying "Dumb bike, I hate this bike." But she stuck with it, which she doesn't always do. Finally, she began to get it. She'd ride a little bit on her own (not always realizing it, she thought I was still holding on). Then, we all took a break. I whispered to Anna, "Let's sneak out and surprise mommy." This did it. She hopped on, I pushed, let go, and off she went. I had let Dorene know what we were up to so she didn't miss out.

Anna had kept bugging us about a new bike. We told her absolutely no way until she learned to ride her current bike, which indeed was too small. We kept our promise, and shortly after learning to ride, we headed off to Meijer and got her new bike. I told her I'd be ticked off if on Father's Day I had to go spend money on a bike (hey, sometimes the reverse psychology thing does indeed work).

Yeah, this dad was jumping up and down over this little daddy/daughter moment.

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