Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Father's Day

This past Sunday was nothing too eventful for Father's Day at our church. We had our District Superintendent as our special speaker. All the dads in attendance got a pie (I secured my favorite, which is apple).

I think back to Father's day services in California growing up. My dad was not all touchy-feely when it came to sermons on this day. I recall this was the day when he really gave forceful sermons on what it meant to be a father and to raise your kids in the Lord. He would say that it didn't matter anything else you did, you were a failure if your kids were brought up not knowing the Lord. To the Christian fathers, he particularly didn't let off the hook, basically telling them to get off their (booty) and be the leaders they are supposed to be.

I bet you that very, very few sermons this past Sunday were that forceful. I just don't think that's the way it's probably done anymore. Can't get too forceful, because you may have visitors and you don't want to offend anyone. I'm sure most services had their cutesy father moments and that was that (hey, it's basically what we did).

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