Monday, June 30, 2008

A Long Week (but worth it)

This past week, our church hosted Vacation Bible School. We're a church with an average of about 60, so this is a rather large undertaking and basically required everyone to get involved. For the most part, everyone was involved one way or another.

Throughout the week, we had 30 kids, the best part being that 15 of those were unchurched kids from the community. The Bible school itself was a rather traditional program, thrown together by a lot of people not entirely experienced in this area. Each night we had separate sessions for crafts, music, games and Bible stories. The kids had a blast. We ended on Thursday night with a carnival in our parking lot, in which all the parents were also invited. This gave all of us and our pastor a great opportunity to connect with the parents. We even had some people just stop by to see what all was happening (the live pony rides may have had something to do with it).

It was a tiring week, and we are all glad it's done. But we made some great connections in the community. Will we see any of these kids again until next summer? Maybe, maybe not. But once that seed is planted, you never know.

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